Wednesday 9 September 2009

Marillion: A discovery and a salvation

For me the past few months have been temperamental. And as a result I am finding writing a real solace, hence this blog. Maybe I am trying to use it as some sort of remedy for myself, as I don’t really expect many people to take any time to read my thoughts. But for me it’s a real treat to unleash my feelings and at a later stage indulge in a little bit of my past. This got me thinking about both my past and other things that allow me to escape, music being one of them. And this is where I get to Marillion. The real reason I judge myself as having a genius taste in music.

So I have decided to just write a little piece on how I came to discover Marillion and simpley unearth a little of my past and also to set the sails to the future.....

Marillion: A discovery and a salvation.

My first encounter of marillion was not in the musical sense. I was yet to know what rock music really was. I am not sure of my age, but I was young enough to need to be in my grandparents care while my parents had some quality time together at a concert. All I remember then was that they were going to see a band that had a singer who painted his face...... need I say more.

At the tender age of around 14 or 15 I was tiring of the under zealous sounds of the charts, and had already overdosed on Guns N’ Roses. So I really needed a new stimulant. At that age my room was alike many a teenagers’ room, a mess and the walls covered in posters. I had without evening realising put up a picture of Marillion. I have no idea why as I have not even heard a breath of their genius. I think I just thought the band looked cool or something......

It was on a chance purchase of leather and lace, which is a CD compilation of rock songs, which I stumbled upon the incredible Kayleigh. I just fell in love with the lyrics and the sheer brilliance of the music. I rushed out and found the album with this song on, this being Misplaced Childhood. This set me in the right direction, and I followed on by buying more of their albums. What I would soon become aware of is that they had a new singer. This info was passed down by my parents who have for me always had a great taste in music. They let me listen to a CD single they had bought called Easter. The crazy thing was that on my first listen I was not that taken. I think I was just enthralled by Fish. But after nipping back to borrow this CD on such a regular basis that I grew to love it, and I bought Seasons end.

My first Marillion gig was in London on the Holidays In Eden tour. I just loved it. It was both my first ever concert and I would never look back. From there on I kept buying their great music and attending as many shows as I could, including some intimate fan club shows.

But for me it’s not just about finding a genre to listen to, or a band to follow. This is about actually finding something that took away the blues. When I listen to Marillion I am transported away to a place that allows me to feel like myself..... It’s in the heart. I get goose bumps. I am in a fantastic place.

To be continued.

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