Friday 10 July 2009

A droog to feeling to much

Friday night, yeah a bloody friday night. Almost 7 months ago I lost....what? My wife, my love, my confidence. I don't know why I am wallowing. Like everyone keeps telling me, she is the one who will be losing out. Like fuck.... some guy will take advantage of all the passion I infused. I could say she had none when I met her and that it was all my hard work. But then I why would I have fallen for a carcass, an epmty sack of skin. 

I am the one who is empty. How do I focus my energy and blood on something else. I can't even think. I am powering on as required. trying to keep sane....


  1. I have been there.... I stayed there for many months, eventually to surface again.

    I wish you well.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts. I am seeing the light in the black...
